"My new
GO-TO psychic!" Taylor O.

Chakra Balancing by Chicago Psychic CarolAll The Symbols Of The Chakras

Astrology By Carol

$250-$275 per Chakra Balancing Session

The study of the chakras can be intense and overwhelming, but with my years of experience I can help you learn how to keep them balanced and achieve better clarity in your life.

Chakra balancing is done in a series of sessions, determined by individual need. Each session will take anywhere from 25 to 65 minutes. During a session you will receive the following treatments:

Aura Analysis - Aura is determined by its color and helps me tune into which chakras need the most attention, or are blocked. Analyzing your aura also helps me identify your strengths, weakness, as well as any positive or negative traits.

Chakra Cleansing - Each layer of your 7 main chakras, as well as any part of your body needing cleansing, will be addressed during this step in which you will be lead through a special guided meditation.

Chakra Energizing - Using a singing bowl, smudges, gong, and other tools, I will help energize your chakras and any areas of your body that indicate needing healing activation.

Chakra Balancing - The final treatment is realigning your chakras so they work together to keep your aura and health rays (an extension of your aura) protected and their innate healing ability activated.

If you feel that any or all of your chakras have been destabilized, feel free to call me for a consultation.